These few days I have been on a cleaning spree. I usually clean my place once in a while and sometimes my sister comes over to help me. Truth be told, I don't like to do house chores that consist mainly of sweeping the floors and wiping the dust off every object in sight. Of course, I could hire professional cleaners but since I lead a sedentary life, I figure doing the cleaning myself would give me that much needed exercise. I also remind myself constantly to maintain a proper and good posture when doing the cleaning, e.g., keep the back straight while mopping the floor.
So why the craze for cleaning now? I think I have been cleaning my place furiously in order to distract myself from the drilling, hammering, knocking and thumping sounds coming from the renovation being carried out next door. As I forsee the renovation to go on for another 6 months, I guess I will have to continue to clean daily for that period of time. Below are some of the tools that I use to help me clean my place.